
Hi 👋🏾 I’m Trent Brew. I design and build things on the internet.

You’ve stumbled upon my working notes. They’re kind of strange, so some context might help. These notes are mostly written for myself: they’re roughly my thinking environment. But I’m sharing them publicly as an experiment. If a note seems confusing or under-explained, it’s probably because I didn’t write it for you! Sorry—that’s sort of an essential tension of this experiment.

Extended bio#

I grew up in St. Louis MO and moved to Chicago in 2018, where I currently reside. My coding journey began when I discovered Game Maker 7.0 in 2010. I’d spend hours after school building Sonic the Hedgehog fan games, sharing them online, and learning how to improve my skills. Eventually I began learning how to build games in JavaScript, which was the gateway drug that led me to front-end and eventually full-stack development.

These days, aside from a plethora of side projects, I spend most of my time helping clients turn their ideas into reality at Gumbo Media, while running a small freelance dev shop called Turtle Labs, where I design and build software products for non-profits and small businesses.

I love learning, and I’m always looking for new opportunities to help people realize their ideas—especially folks who are under-resourced or under-represented. If you have an idea for a project or a problem that needs solving, I’d love to hear from you!

On the web#

I don’t post on social media and my content lives almost exclusively on my personal website and on this blog. That said I am active in a few other digital spaces:

About this site#

My personal website is built with Vue.js and is hosted on Vercel. I use Notion as my content management system, and The source code is available on GitHub. The codebase is a hot mess, but I’m planning to release a standalone version of the window manager as an NPM package sometime in the future.

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This blog is built with Astro, Svelte, Tailwind, and PocketBase. It’s hosted on Vercel, and is a custom version of the awesome fuwari template built by @saicaca. Here is the original codebase:

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